Lengua Extranjera / English


Being competent in a second language, in an age of globalization, has become essential. It is in this context that English plays a key role nowadays, because it is considered the universal language for sharing and expressing feelings, thoughts, ideas, needs, and desires.

Since the main purpose of learning a language is communication, based on the interaction among people, considering different contexts, our mission, as English Department, is to develop and cultivate, in our students, communication skills to gain not only knowledge but also the courage to face all the challenges in an ever changing world, and to engage successfully in local and international communities in the 21st century.






 Lcda. Fanny Muñoz / Lcda. Paola Amaguaña

1° E.G.B.

Lcda. Ana Merichales / Lcdo. Marco Muñoz

2° E.G.B. 

Lcda. Verónica Gallegos

3° E.G.B 

Lcda. Tatiana Ñacato

4° E.G.B

Lcda. Rocío Orbe

5° E.G.B.

Lcdo. Guido Vaca

6° E.G.B 

Lcda. Carolina Carrera

 7° E.G.B

Lcda. Vanessa Mena

8° E.G.B.

Lcda. Gilda Echeverría

9º E.G.B. 

Lcdo. Gabriel Latacunga

10° E.G.B.

Lcda. María Dolores Pachacama

 1° B.G.U. "A" "B" "C" 

Ing. Susana Coloma

1º BGU "D"

2º BGU "A" "B"

Lcda. Lizeth Verdesoto

2º BGU "C" "D"

3º BGU "A"

Lcda. Mariela Narváez

3º BGU "B" "C" "D"




Horario de Atención

  • Lunes - Viernes: 7h30 a 15h30
  • Colecturía:
    • Lunes - Viernes: 7h30 a 13h30

Estamos Ubicados

  • Cumbayá.  Vía a Lumbisí km 3, sector San Patricio. Quito - Ecuador.
  • Teléfonos: 3560 001 | 3560 002 | 3560 003 | 3560 014
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
